Adult Psychotherapy/Jungian Analysis

Jungian analysis is a form of depth psychotherapy originated by the Swiss psychiatrist C.G. Jung (1875-1961). Jung's distinctive and ground-breaking approach to the human psyche, continues to develop, integrating new insights from contemporary Jungians, other psychological and psychoanalytic perspectives, neuroscience, modern physics, eastern and western spiritual traditions, and the arts and humanities. Many of Jung's fundamental concepts are well known in contemporary culture and have become part of everyday vocabulary. Some of these now recognizable ideas include: archetype, collective unconscious, persona, shadow, anima, animus, extravert, introvert, psychological types, synchronicity, and individuation.

At the heart of the psychotherapeutic process is what Jung called Individuation, an unfolding process of becoming more fully who we are, thus living our unique human potential. This process of self realization, with an aim of wholeness, rather than perfection, comes about by understanding and integrating unconscious forces which are revealed through dreams, play, creative expression, relationships and other manifestations of the self. It is our symptoms or our struggles in life which are most valuable in giving us information about the unconscious. Jung viewed our symptoms as messages from the self, letting us know where we are out of balance or perhaps not living our true lives.

Jung, the first depth psychologist to describe and speak to the religious instinct in the human soul, believed that in contemporary persons there is a Modern Man in Search of a Soul (the title of one of Jung's most widely published books). It has been said that the soul is that which turns events in our lives into experiences. Entering the 'vale of soul-making,' marks the beginning of a journey of cultivating greater meaning and purpose in your life.